Weekly Podcast Roundup (04/18)

AP 315

In this episode, Brian Auten and Chad Gross interview Jacob Varghese from SAFT Apologetics, an apologetics ministry based in India with an international reach. www.saftapologetics.com

Reasons to Believe

Culture Talk: Why Are So Many Christians So unlike Christ? With theologian and philosopher Ken Samples

Cold-Case Christianity with J. Warner Wallace

As atheism continues to grow on university campuses, some academic institutions, like the University of Miami, are establishing departments to advance the cause of atheism, secularism, and humanism. But do these efforts to advance atheism rely on a theistic foundation? Does the establishment of a Department of Atheism actually prove the existence of God? J. Warner answers these questions in this episode of the NRBtv Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast.

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Mark A. Lester has been a dedicated movie reviewer since the age of 13, from the classics of the golden age to the blockbusters of the 21st century. He currently lives in the western suburbs of Chicago.

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