About us:
The mission of Apologetics 315 is to provide educational resources for the defense of the Christian faith, with the goal of strengthening the faith of believers and engaging the questions and challenges of other worldviews.
Our Vision:
By providing an accessible and growing repository of teaching materials, as well as providing a means of networking within the apologetics community, our vision is to be a significant educational resource for churches, campus groups, and Christians around the world.
What is Apologetics?
What is apologetics? Is it Biblical? What is the purpose of apologetics? In this podcast, we introduce you to the discipline of defending the faith and presenting reasons to believe Christianity is true. A case is made for apologetics from the New Testament and some common objections to apologetics are addressed. A useful introduction to the subject for those new to apologetics.
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Podcast: Epic Apologetics Smorgasbord Q&A
We’d like to give a big SHOUT-OUT and CONGRATS to Revealed Apologetics for reaching 5k subscribers! Way to go! Support our fellow apologists and give

Video: Smug Atheist Scientist DESTROYED by William Lane Craig
This clip from a William Lane Craig debate showcases how an atheist can’t hold his ground when it comes to denying objective truth. The cognitive

Video: Why Trent Horn Became Catholic (and Maybe Why You Should Too)
Trent Horn’s journey illuminates how he went from deism to believing in Jesus. He then says that every person is at a three-way crossroads as

Article: Don’t Believe Me? Check for Yourself!
This article follows the personal journey of Mr. Cowley as he went from skeptic set out to disprove the authenticity of Christianity, to full-fledged apologist.
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