Apologetics315 Joins the Defenders Alliance
It has always been my vision that Apologetics315 would be a trusted hub for finding the best apologetics resources available. Now through joining up with the Defenders Media team, I’m happy to announce that Apologetics315 is moving onward and upward in fulfilling that vision.
– Brian Auten, Founder of Apologetics315
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce the acquisition of the Apologetics315 ministry into the Defenders alliance! Apologetics 315 is a place where you can get daily apologetics resources including MP3 audio, debates, podcasts, book reviews, quotes, and more.
Apologetics315 was founded by Brian Auten in 2007 and quickly became one of the most visited apologetics websites in the world. The content created and apologetics news shared on the website and social media is critically acclaimed. Our friend Dr. Mike Licona has said, “In a day when Western society is becoming increasingly more hostile to the Christian faith, the need for intelligent, winsome, and creative Christian apologists is likewise increasing. … [the] Apologetics315 website provides valuable content for tens of thousands of people all over the world.”
The strategic integration of Apologetics315.com into our alliance will continue the great work that Brian started, overseeing the existing apologetics hub to promote the work of our alliance members. Brian will continue contributing to this powerful resource as he is able and we expect to invite new world-class Christian thinkers to contribute to the impactful work of Apologetics315.com.
Kurt Jaros,
Executive Director
Defenders Media
This announcement originally appeared at Defenders Media.
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