Terminology Tuesday: Ineffability
That which cannot be expressed in intelligible language. Many mystics have claimed that an experience of God is ineffable (though that has not stopped them from attempting to expla
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (2/18 – 2/24)
KINDLE DEALS: Cries of the Heart by Ravi Zacharias Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels by J. Warner Wallace The Case for…Stude
Book Review: Love Thy Body by Nancy Pearcey
Love Thy Body is a particularly timely work. Within its seven chapters, Nancy Pearcey addresses six of the hottest topics of our day: abortion, euthanasia, the hook-up culture, hom
Book Review: Love Thy Body by Nancy Pearcey
Love Thy Body is a particularly timely work. Within its seven chapters, Nancy Pearcey addresses six of the hottest topics of our day: abortion, euthanasia, the hook-up culture, hom
Terminology Tuesday: Equivocal
Adjective that describes the status of a term when it is used in more than one sense in the course of an argument, so that the argument commits the logical fallacy of equivocation.
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