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Debate: Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation? (Horn Vs. White)
After the Free Will/Determinism debate, perseverance of the saints seems to be the most consistently debated topic within Christian circles over the course of the last 100 odd year
Debate: Christian Vs. Atheist Debate (White & Durbin vs Clark & Ellis)
Apologia Studios: You do not want to miss this absolutely epic debate between Dr. James White & Jeff Durbin vs Dr. Clark and Dan Ellis. Dan Ellis is the past President of the U
Debate: Review of Trinity Debate: James White vs. Jake Brancatella
Sentinel Apologetics
Debate: Are Roman Catholics Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ? (White vs Wilson)
Douglas Wilson vs. James White: “Does Trinitarian baptism join you to the New Covenant? Does it join you to Christ? Does it make you a brother or sister in Christ with everyo
Terminology Tuesday: Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947)
English logician, mathematician, and philosopher, whose later metaphysical work provided the inspiration for process theology. Whitehead first achieved fame as the coauthor, with B