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Debate: Is The Apocrypha Scripture? (White V. Michuta)
Why do Catholics include a bunch of books in their Bible that Protestants don’t? Two scholars debate the issue in this video. Mr. Michuta uses much of his pro-deuterocanon op
Debate: Is Molinism Biblical? (Stratton V. White)
Does God have middle knowledge of futures we free beings don’t choose? Or conversely, does God determine every good and evil thing that has ever happened? Let’s hear bo
Debate: Is the Trinity Divine? (Rashid V. White)
Dr. White mentions that this is his 153rd debate! In this one, he spars with a Muslim over our belief “God in three persons”. Dr. White walks through some early church
Article: A Commentary on the Debate Between James White and William Lane Craig
There’s still a lot of unpacking going on in the Christian academic community of the White/Craig debate. Here’s another deep dive from a Molinist leaning perspective. S
Debate: Is the Future Settled or Open? (White vs Enyart)
Here’s another Open Theism debate. James White appears to be the fella who will debate all topics, so it’s hard to get away from him! I found Enyart’s highlighted