Daily Podcast

Podcast: Why Mark’s Gospel Has Such a Strange Ending

BibleThinker: I’m not exaggerating when I say that some skeptics, and even some Christians, and some scholars in both categories, will teach that if Mark ends his Gospel at 16:8 then it destroys Christianity as we know it. I think this is silly. But I also think it needs a response. After going through those over the top claims we will deal with the more subtle and thoughtful claims of those who say that there are internal and external reasons for thinking that Mark could not have meant for 16:8 to be the ending of his Gospel originally. All told I will walk through 7 specific claims against the shorter ending of Mark and give a case for how this seemingly strange ending is actually quite powerful and meant to cause us to sit with the massive implications of the death and resurrection of the Messiah, until we are stirred to action.

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