Debate: Does the Bible Authorize Infant Baptism?
It’s Friday, and we’re ending finishing out our survey of Dr. James White debates with a big ol’ baptism debate! Dr. White argues that it’s uninspired tradi
Video: Has the Bible Been Tampered with?
A common Muslim refrain is that the Christian Bible has been tainted by folks who have manipulated God’s Word to their own ends. How do we know that isn’t the case? Fra
Article: Christianity’s War on Darwinism, or the War that Never Happened
This captivating article surveys the first few decades of Christian response to Charles Darwin’s work. The author’s conclusion may leave you uncomfortable! The Christia
Podcast: The Argument from Fine-Tuning
This podcast is essentially a lecture series. This is not two dudes having a good time, but rather, an educationally astute deep dive into apologetical topics. This episode is a pi
Debate: Is the Jesus of Mormonism the Jesus of the Bible?
It’s harder to find honest and tactful debates between Mormons and Christians than you’d think. I appreciate the candor that the Mormon here exhibits. We’re stick