Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts Free Downloads in iTunesU.
The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, which does excellent work with early manuscripts of the NT, is making a series of videos concerning New Testament manusc
Author Interview: Clifford Williams
Today’s interview is with Clifford Williams, teacher of philosophy at Trinity College in Deerfield, IL. He is an author of Existential Reasons for Belief in God: A Defense of
Sunday Quote: James Sire on Apologetics
“A good case for the Christian faith lays before the watching world such a winsome embodiment of the Christian faith that for any and all who are willing to observe there wil
GiveAway: Thinking About God by Gregory E. Ganssle
Apologetics 315 is giving away three copies of the book Thinking About God: First Steps in Philosophy by Gregory E. Ganssle. Anyone who has read this book enthusiast
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (07/15 – 07/22)
Here are this week’s recommended apologetics links. Enjoy. • Knowledge – What counts?• Atheism, The Paper Tiger• Win a Philosophia Christi Journal• God, science