Sunday Quote: A.B. Bruce on Apologetics
“Apologetic, then, as I conceive it, is a preparer of the way of faith, an aid to faith against doubts whencesoever arising, especially such as are engendered by philosophy a
12 Favorite Blog Posts at Apologetics 315
If you are a relatively new reader of Apologetics 315, you might not know where to begin, with over 1,300 blog posts featuring apologetics resources on a daily basis. If you
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (07/22 – 07/29)
Here are this week’s recommended apologetics links. Enjoy. • Existential Absurdity• When Were The Gospels Written?• Tread Lightly Young-Earthers• Christian Apologetic
Interview: Sean McDowell on GodQuest
This interview is with Sean McDowell (also check out his first interview and second interview). In this audio Sean talks about his current projects and Southern Baptist Theological
God, Evolution and Intelligent Design with Jay Richards
This audio from Issues, Etc features an interview with Jay Richards, the editor of God and Evolution, which is one of World Magazine’s top 2 books of the year. (subscribe to