Sunday Quote: J. Gresham Machen on Modern Culture
“Modern culture is not altogether opposed to the gospel. But it is out of all connection with it. It not only prevents the acceptance of Christianity. It prevents Christianit
Book Review: Dialogical Apologetics by David K. Clark
Dialogical Apologetics: A Person-Centered Approach to Christian Defense by David K. Clark is a unique and helpful book dealing with the practical application of apologetics. The bo
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (09/24 – 10/01)
Here are this week’s recommended apologetics links. Enjoy. • A 200 Word Resurrection Witness• Glise 581g – first ‘earth-like’ exoplanet?• Science Repo
How to Get Apologetics in Your Church: Apologetics Movie Night
Apologetics Movie Nightby Nathan Harmony Apologetics was the means by which God solidified my faith in Christ. I grew up in a Christian home, and in my early twenties I started hav
Why You Should Join the Church: by John MacArthur
In light of the current series of “How to Get Apologetics in Your Church,” this sermon audio by John MacArthur is extremely important and relevant: Why You Should Join