william lane craig

Debate: Is God Necessary for Morality? (Kagan V Craig)

Dr. Craig starts out his monologue by defining morality. In doing so, he draws the conversation away from “a certain pattern of social behavior” that is deemed good, and towards the notion of objective good and evil. Can anything have value w/o God?

The Veritas Forum: In the midst of a largely secular university and a highly pluralistic nation, the Columbia community is home to widely varying notions of how a “good life” is to be lived. Dr. William Lane Craig (Talbot School of Theology) adds to the conversation by questioning the common assumption that the existence of God is not necessary for morality. “Can we really be good apart from God?” Yale philosopher Dr. Shelly Kagan defends the idea of morality without God in a debate with Dr. Craig that questions the basis of many views that are held today. A Q&A session with the audience follows the debate.

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