Podcast: Should Christians Avoid Fantasy like The Witcher and Harry Potter?

There’s a little bit of everything in this listener mailbag episode… from hermeneutics and word studies, to UFOs and Lord of the Rings!

Core Christianity:

1. If people found reasonable evidence for UFO’s, would that somehow undermine Christianity and the Bible?

2. What is the correct view toward books about fantasy and science-fiction like The Lord of The Rings, Game of Thrones, and Harry Potter? I am struggling with knowing if it is ok to indulge in reading and watching these shows.

3. Which Scriptures talk about the days where Christ was on earth after his resurrection?

4. When the Bible mentions “widows and orphans,” does that actually refer to single moms who have been abandoned by their husbands?

5. When reading the Old Testament, how can you tell which parts are descriptive and which parts are prescriptive?

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