Weekly Podcast Roundup (2/2/20)
Veracity Hill
Ep 186: Unbelievable?
Are you a fan of “Unbelievable?” with Justin Brierley? In today’s episode Kurt talks with Justin about the origin of his London-based program, the success it has had, and how after 10 years of pitting Christians and Atheists against each other, he is still a believer.
Reasonable Faith
3 Reasons God Exists
In December of 2019, Dr. Craig was a featured keynote at the EPS Apologetics Conference hosted at Maranatha Chapel in San Diego, California. Here he speaks on “3 Reasons God Exists.”
Trinity Radio
Professor Gets Case For God So Wrong
Is it true that university professors notch the arguments for God when they teach them to students? Sometimes! This is one of the best- worst examples you’ll ever see. We know what young minds hear on YouTube, but what do they hear from the experts who are shaping their minds at accredited schools?