Weekly Podcast Roundup (2/2/20)

Veracity Hill

Ep 186: Unbelievable?
Are you a fan of “Unbelievable?” with Justin Brierley? In today’s episode Kurt talks with Justin about the origin of his London-based program, the success it has had, and how after 10 years of pitting Christians and Atheists against each other, he is still a believer.

Reasonable Faith

3 Reasons God Exists

In December of 2019, Dr. Craig was a featured keynote at the EPS Apologetics Conference hosted at Maranatha Chapel in San Diego, California. Here he speaks on “3 Reasons God Exists.”

Trinity Radio

Professor Gets Case For God So Wrong

Is it true that university professors notch the arguments for God when they teach them to students? Sometimes! This is one of the best- worst examples you’ll ever see. We know what young minds hear on YouTube, but what do they hear from the experts who are shaping their minds at accredited schools?

Written by

Richard Porter is apologetics ministry leader at Calvary Church of West Hartford in Connecticut and a Chapter Director with Ratio Christi. Richard has studied apologetics for over a decade. Prior to his conversion, apologetics was a huge part of what God used to reel him in to the faith. From the popular works of Lee Strobel to the more academic defenses of Christianity by William Lane Craig, apologetics has always caught his eye. He has a passion for equipping Christians to defend the faith and hopes to one day be in full-time ministry. He also has aspirations to pursue an academic career of his own if the Lord permits. In his spare time Richard enjoys exploring New Testament studies and analytic philosophy. In addition to his intellectual pursuits, Richard also enjoys kettlebell and martial arts training – particularly Brazilian and Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. He also has two sons that are being trained as young apologists and martial artists.

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