Thinker Profile: Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900): German philosopher whose radical views on human thinking as perspectival and shaped by the “will to power” have had a profound impact o
Apologist Interview: Ranald Macauley
Today’s interview is with Ranald Macauley, founder of L’Abri, UK and founder of Christian Heritage, UK. He talks about his background and work in ministry, working
Francis Schaeffer on Asking for Answers
“At first acquaintance, this concept, ‘I do not ask for answers; I just believe,’ gives the feeling of spirituality and it deceives many fine people. These are
Book Review: Hollywood Worldviews by Brian Godawa
Brian Brian Godawa is a professional screen writer with successful movies like To End All Wars, The Visitation, and Change Your Life to his credits. He is also an evangelical Chris