Thomas Woodward Interview on Intelligent Design
Today’s audio is Hank Hanegraaff‘s interview with Thomas Woodward, founder and director of the C.S. Lewis Society, and research professor at Trinity College of Florida. He’s also the author of a number of books, including Darwin Strikes Back: Defending the Science of Intelligent Design. He talks with Hank Hannagraff about the definition of Intelligent Design, the mechanisms of darwinian theory, the fossil record, the differences between ID and creationsim, the rhetoric of science, comparing human and chimp DNA, common origin vs. common design, the resistance against ID, and more. Original audio found at, here and here.
Full MP3 Audio here (75 min)
Other books by Thomas Woodard include:
• Doubts About Darwin: A History of Intelligent Design
• Darwin Strikes Back: Defending the Science of Intelligent Design
• The Mysterious Epigenome: What Lies Beyond DNA