350+ Lectures on Science and Religion
The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion is an interdisciplinary research enterprise based at St Edmund’s College, Cambridge. In addition to academic research, the Institute engages in the public understanding of science and religion by means of Courses, Conferences, Lectures, Seminars and the Media. The website also has a huge multimedia archive, with lectures on science/religion topics by such names as John Polkinghorne, Alister McGrath, Robin Collins and George Ellis. There is plenty of food for thought (and some you won’t agree with). That being said, check out the multimedia archive for tons of audio, such as:
- Introduction to the Science and Religion Dialogue – John Polkinghorne
- A Critique of Multiverse Theories – George Ellis
- Cosmology and Fine-Tuning: Three Approaches – Robin Collins
- Calvin’s Contributions to the Emergence of Modern Science – Alister McGrath
350+ More Science & Religion Lectures here.