The Real Problem with Buddhism MP3 by Ellis Potter
Ex-Zen Buddhist Ellis Potter gives this talk evaluating Buddhism. (Hear an interview with him here, and another MP3 evaluating Eastern Religions here.) This talk explores the conce
Sunday Quote: C.S. Lewis on Explanation
“You cannot go on ‘explaining away’ for ever: you will find that you have explained explanation itself away. You cannot go on ‘seeing through’ things
Book Review: Inference to the Best Explanation by Peter Lipton
Inference to the Best Explanation (2nd Edition) by Peter Lipton is a 200-page philosophy text dealing with the process of how we come to conclusions from the evidence a
An Islam Primer: Five Parts MP3 Audio
UCCF‘s excellent apologetics site has a nice primer on Islam in five parts. Mark Ryan presents these five talks: 1. Islam’s Holy Prophet – MP3 / vi
Why We Believe the Bible: MP3 Series by John Piper
In this 5-part audio seminar, Pastor John Piper teaches on the Inspiration, Inerrancy, and Authority of the Bible. This is from Piper’s website here. Notes for this