Terminology Tuesday: Accommodation
ACCOMMODATION or condescension, is a basic principle underlying all of God’s revelation to man. It means that God speaks to us in a form that is suited to the capacity
Terminology Tuesday: Guilt
Guilt – The meaning usually given to the word “guilt” in Christian circles today bears little relation to the biblical meaning. Recent Christian interest in the s
Terminology Tuesday: GOEL
GOEL The active participle of the Hebrew verb ga’al, “to redeem.” It is used to describe the redemption of property (Lev. 25:25). It is also used of the kinsman w
Terminology Tuesday: Perichoresis
PERICHORESIS is the interpenetration or co-indwelling of each member of the Triune God. PERICHORESIS (Gk. πειχώρησις). A term in Neoplatonic anthropology that was u
Terminology Tuesday: Firstborn
Greek expression: prōtotokos Pronunciation: proh TAW taw kawss Strong’s Number: 4416 KEY VERSES Romans 8:29; Colossians 1:15, 18; Revelation 1:5 Many cultures still value th