Podcast: Why You Should Have a Low Anthropology
The gentlemen in this podcast give reasons for why our worldview should include low expectations for mankind. They assert that we that all people are sinful, and therefore we shoul
Article: The Apologetic of Hospitality
How can we winsomely defend the faith and call others towards God? One tool in our toolbox we should not grow weary of utilizing is that of hospitality. This article makes a strong
Article: Considering the Apologetics of Storytelling
Apparently, J.R.R. Tolkien coined the term, “eucatastrophe“, which appears to be an antonym to the much more common “catastrophe”. Articles like this are a
Article: Who am I and Why do I Matter?
This newsletter deserves a shout-out for it name alone: “Black Sheep Apologetics”. This particular article delves into the cultural flashpoint occurring now in our pers
Video: What Jay-Z Got WRONG about God in Christianity and Islam
Apologist David Wood has a super wry sense of humor. Here, Wood explores rapper Jay-Z’s testimony and where he goes wrong in equating the God of the Bible with the God of the