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Debate: How Should We Understand the Resurrection of Jesus? (Licona V. MacDonald)
On Tuesday we showcased one of Mike Licona’s earliest debates, so it’s only fair that we also highlight one of his newest debates, this one against Dennis MacDonald, wh
Debate: Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? (Licona V. Ally)
Mike Licona is perhaps the preeminent debater (on the topic of the historical Jesus) of our generation… so let’s fly back to 2004 and see how he did on just his second
Debate: Who was the Historical Jesus? (Crossan V. Licona)
Let’s end the week with a couple of heavyweights going toe-to-toe. These two debaters are supremely eloquent and compelling when listened to without follow-up. But how do the
Debate: Why Did the Early Christians Say “God Raised Jesus?” (MacDonald V. Licona)
This debate from Oct 2021 has 2 professors verbally spar over the issue of the historicity of Jesus & the resurrection. MacDonald holds that Jesus is an epic hero molded in the