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Debate: Are the Gospels Historically Reliable? (Ehrman V. Williams)
No one does these online debates better than Justin Brierley and his show Unbelievable?. Here, the famed author and scholar Bart Ehrman takes on the Cambridge University Bible scho
Article: Can a scientist believe in the resurrection? Three hypotheses.
This article is by an MIT nuclear physicist. Though he never comes out and states it, articles like this show elicit evidence that scientism is a religion all unto its own. This is
Debate: What are Human Beings’ Ultimate Origin? (Williams V. Dawkins)
Since the last debate we shared discussed Richard Dawkins without Dawkins being present, it seemed only fair today to share a debate he was actually present for! His opponent here
Debate: Does God Exist? (Craig Vs. Came)
Dr. Came’s opening salvo is that he’s open to theism, considers the evidence, and yet remains an atheist. He wonders why God hides from him. Is this a legitimate critic
Debate: Is Evolution Compatible with the Bible? (Jones Vs. Boot)
This was a shrewd debate between two Christians, both using language, science, and philosophy to build their arguments for and against the compatibility of evolution and the creati