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Norman Geisler vs. Paul Kurtz Debate MP3 Audio
Norman Geisler and Paul Kurtz debate: Christianity vs. Secular Humanism on the John Ankerberg show. This is an older debate, but a classic. An intense debate between Dr. Geisler an
Norman Geisler Interview Transcript
The following transcript is from an Apologetics 315 interview with Norman Geisler. If you enjoy transcripts, please consider supporting, which makes this possible. BA: Hello, this
Book Review: Defending Inerrancy by Geisler & Roach
God cannot err. The Bible is the Word of God. Therefore, the Bible cannot err. This simple syllogism sums up the argument for the unlimited inerrancy of Scripture. While there have
Book Review: If God, Why Evil? by Norman Geisler
In the introduction of his book, Norman Geisler states that, in 50 years of studying difficult questions, the one most asked is, “If God exists, then why is there so much evil in
Book Review: Christian Ethics by Norman Geisler
Christian Ethics: Options and Issues by Norman Geisler is quite a read. Like Giesler’s other books, this one is divided and outlined very clearly. It is easy to follow, but h