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Article: The Interval Between Christ’s Death & Resurrection
Which is it: did Christ rise “on the third day” (Matt 16:21) or after “three days and three nights” (Matt 12:40)? There are four relative variations on the
Apologetics 315 Podcast 063 – New Apostolic Reformation Experiences
Today’s Show Notes:Episode 063 – New Apostolic Reformation Experiences In this episode, Brian Auten and Chad Gross talk about Brian’s experiences with the New Apostol
Article: Inside strange rise of smoking TOAD VENOM for a ‘religious experience high’
Sharing a trippy article today. How should we respond to someone who says their drug experience helped them connect with God? This particular drug keeps showing in research that it
Terminology Tuesday: Death-of-God Theology
DEATH-OF-GOD THEOLOGY. In the mid-1960s, counter-cultural radicalism was echoed in theology as a few thinkers adopted Nietzsche’s slogan, ‘God is dead.’ Thomas J.
Terminology Tuesday: Second Death
SECOND DEATH [Gk ho deuteros thanatos (ὁ δευτερος θανατος)]. In the NT, the second death is mentioned only in Rev 2:11; 20:6, 14; and 21:8. It is symbol