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Debate: Abortion (Strossen V. Klusendorf)
A day after the Supreme Court draft leak that previews a sea-change in America’s governmental stance on abortion, we thought it might be the right time to revisit this debate
Video: Why Aren’t Fallen Angels Also Reconciled at the Cross?
In this super-quick (1 min) video, Dr. William Lane Craig speculates as to why angels cannot be redeemed. Fascinating stuff, and worth keeping in your back pocket for conversations
Debate: Is the Old Testament Fact or Fiction? (Barker V. Ross)
Barker takes the positive position in this debate (the OT is fiction), while leaning on Dawkins to make his point, while Ross appeals to archaeology and prophecy in Daniel to make
Podcast: Christianity Cross Examined with Ken Samples
Our Apologetics315 podcast recently interviewed Ken Samples about his new apologetics book. Here’s another interview with the author. His book looks at Christianity in part i
Debate: Who was the Historical Jesus? (Crossan V. Licona)
Let’s end the week with a couple of heavyweights going toe-to-toe. These two debaters are supremely eloquent and compelling when listened to without follow-up. But how do the