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Apologetics 315 Podcast 067 – Beauty and Divine Hiddenness with Doug Groothuis
Today’s Show Notes:Episode 067 – Beauty and Divine Hiddenness with Doug Groothuis In this episode, Brian Auten and Chad Gross interview Christian philosopher Doug Groot
6 Enemies of Apologetic Engagement by Doug Groothuis
Philosopher and apologist Douglas Groothuis presents a great article on Six Enemies Of Apologetic Engagement from the website. His purpose is briefly to lay out six
Doug Groothuis on Biblical Truth
“Without a thorough and deeply rooted understanding of the biblical view of truth as revealed, objective, absolute, universal, eternally engaging, antithetical and exclusive,
Douglas Groothuis Defense of Natural Theology MP3
Christian Philosopher and apologist Douglas Groothuis presents a lecture on A Defense of Natural Theology.Full MP3 audio here.Original media source here.Enjoy.
Douglas Groothuis on Apologetics
“Apologetics needs to be applied to the whole of life under the lordship of Jesus Christ. We should hear apologetics ringing out from the pulpit and being discussed in every