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How to Be a Morally Responsible Skeptic MP3 Audio by Dallas Willard
Philosopher Dallas Willard makes the case that disbelief is not a stance to be taken lightly. Individuals have a responsibility to assume the burden of proof for their disbelief. D
Book Review: Knowing Christ Today: Why We Can Trust Spiritual Knowledge by Dallas Willard
In Knowing Christ Today Dallas Willard sets out to show that spiritual knowledge is real knowledge, that it can be tested, and it should be trusted. In the introduction (whic
Sunday Quote: Dallas Willard on Evolution
“Evolution, whether cosmic or biological, cannot — logically cannot! — be a theory of ultimate origins of existence or order, precisely because its operations always pres
Article: Considering the Apologetics of Storytelling
Apparently, J.R.R. Tolkien coined the term, “eucatastrophe“, which appears to be an antonym to the much more common “catastrophe”. Articles like this are a
Apologetics 315 Podcast 007 – Supporting Local Church Apologetics
Today’s Show Notes:Episode 007 – Supporting Local Church Apologetics In this episode, Brian Auten and Chad Gross talk about how churches could support apologists, and d