Debate: Is Evil Strong Evidence Against God? – Zac (Adherent Apologets) Vs. Emerson Green
The Non-Alchemist: A debate on God’s existence.
Book Review: God and the Pandemic By N. T. Wright
N. T. Wright is Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews and Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. Prior to that, he w
Book Review: Where is God in All the Suffering? By Amy Orr-Ewing
For more than 20 years, Amy Orr-Ewing has spoken on the Christian faith and sought to give answers to life’s deepest questions. She is a regular speaker on university campuses, o
Weekly Podcast Roundup
Veracity Hill Ep. 150: Critical Race Theory In this episode Kurt speaks with Neil Shenvi on Critical Theory as it pertains to race, social justice, and the implications for Christi
Weekly Podcast Roundup (Week of August 12)
Trinity Radio S9E5: “Small Groups & Apologetics” Veracity Hill Ep110: “Speech” Unbelievable Unbelievable? Debating the Kalam Cosmological Argument ̵