Review: Who’s Afraid of the Multiverse by Jeff Zweerink
As a Christian who is deeply interested in the sciences and what they bring to the table for defending the existence of God (and the truth of the Christian worldview, specifically)
Philosopher Interview: Max Andrews
Today’s interview is with Max Andrews. Max is a graduate student from Liberty University, whose research is in philosophy of science and religion. He talks about his backgrou
Jeff Zweerink Interview Transcript
The following transcript is from an Apologetics 315 interview with Jeff Zweerink. Original audio here. Transcript index here. If you enjoy transcripts, please consider support
Antony Flew on Multiverse Theory
“Some have said that the laws of nature are simply accidental results of the way the universe cooled after the big bang. But, as Rees has pointed out, even such accidents can
A Universe Built for Us – Discover Magazine and the Multiverse
Tom Gilson’s Thinking Christian blog has a good write-up on Discover Magazine’s current issue regarding the multiverse theory. It seems they just can’t get away f