Debate: Hugh Ross vs. Lewis Wolpert: Is there Evidence for a Cosmic Creator?
Recorded at Imperial College London, Christian astrophysicist Hugh Ross of Reasons To Believe debates atheist biologist Lewis Wolpert on the topic: Is There Evidence for a Cosmic C
Lewis Wolport vs. Russell Cowburn: What Can Science Tell Us About God: Debate MP3 Audio
Lewis Wolpert (Emeritus Professor of Biology, University College London) says there is no evidence for God whatsoever and religion finds its origin in tool-making. Russell Cowburn
William Lane Craig vs. Lewis Wolpert: Is God a Delusion? Debate MP3 Audio
William Lane Craig debates Lewis Wolpert on the topic: Is God a Delusion? Moderated by John Humphrys, with an entertaining discussion time at the end. Also added to the WLC Audio D