Weekly Podcast Roundup
Veracity Hill Episode 183: When Doctrine Divides The United Methodist Church is breaking apart. When should doctrine warrant separation? In today’s episode, Kurt chats with Rhyne
Terminology Tuesday: Purgatory
Purgatory: In Catholic theology, the place of purification and maturation that one may need to enter after death before the perfected soul attains the “beatific vision
Terminology Tuesday: Plenary Inspiration
Plenary Inspiration: A late-Reformation view of biblical inspiration that holds that God is the ultimate author of the Bible in its entirety. That is, God’s superintendi
Westminster Larger & Shorter Catechism Podcasts
This is an audio version of The Westminster Larger Catechism and Shorter Catechism. Each episode is a section of ten questions. The question is read followed by the answer. They ca
PDF Download: Westminster Confession
Here is a PDF booklet version of the Westminster Confession. The Christian apologist who is unfamiliar with the various confessions of faith throughout Church history will be lacki