Apologetics with Brian O'Connell

Podcast: Are the Gospels Reliable?

O’Connell does a great job about half way through this episode explaining how Bart Ehrman and other liberal scholars claim pseudonymous authorship of the Gospels and how we can respond to those critiques. Enjoy!

Apologetics with Brian O’Connell: Many books have been written that have cast doubt on the reliability of the Gospels. Textual critics, like Bart Ehrman, have written books claiming that the Gospels were written by non-eyewitnesses and are the result of legendary stories which circulated around the ancient world for hundreds of years after the death of Jesus and His disciples. Outside the academic world are other authors, like Dan Brown who wrote the Da Vinci Code, which also make claims that attack the reliability of the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament. Are their claims valid? Were the Gospels written by people who never witnessed the events that they record? This episode looks at these and other issues and asks the question, “Are the Gospels reliable?

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