Michael Shermer

Debate: Is God a Figment of Our Imagination? (McGrath V. Shermer)

This primary question of this debate takes a different spin on the whole “Does God Exist?” inquiry, and, I’d argue, puts the onus of responsibility on the atheist approach. Have at it!

Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto: The Religion and Society Series seeks to generate critical conversations on matters of faith, society and public interest. The purpose of the series is to play a catalytic role in helping shape discourse around topics that deeply matter to individuals and society.

Our dialogue brings together two leading thinkers who have thoughtfully wrestled with this question, each not only having embarked on a personal pilgrimage, but each bringing a lifetime of erudition, experience, and insights to bear on this theme. Alister McGrath, the athiest who would become a theist, and Michael Shermer, the theist who would become an atheist. This engaging dialogue was hosted at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto.

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