Terminology Tuesday: Praxis and Orthopraxis
PRAXIS AND ORTHOPRAXIS ‘Praxis’ essentially means ‘action’. In theology it gained currency through *liberation theology. Theology usually emphasizes orthodo
Weekly Podcast Roundup (12/27)
Risen Jesus We continue our discussion on Non-canonical Christian sources. Cross Examined Why are people being canceled for recognizing clear biological facts? Why are all white pe
Apologetics 315 Podcast 002: Listener Question & Apologetic Interactions
Today’s Show Notes:Episode 002 – Listener Question & Apologetic Interactions In this episode, Brian Auten and Chad Gross answer a listener question and talk about a
The Apologetics 315 Podcast: Reboot!
Were you a fan of the Apologetics 315 Interviews podcast? Wondering where it went and wish it never went away? Yeah, I know what you mean. Well, it’s back. And re-booted. Bri
Terminology Tuesday: Metempsychosis
The doctrine that souls migrate from one body into another until complete purification has been achieved. The belief is widespread, esp. in India, where it forms an integral part o