The Defenders Conference 2018

Next week we will be in Chicago, IL at the annual Defenders Conference. We would like to extend an invitation for you to join us! For those that cannot make it, we will be livestreaming portions of the event on our Facebook page.

Early bird pricing ends Sunday night. Prices go up at-the-door. Hotel recommendations are available at the TheDefendersConference. Register NOW!

Did you know…

…that God tells the Israelites to “kill both man and woman, infant and nursing children” (1 Samuel 15:4)? The book of Joshua is full of divinely instituted warfare. Many skeptics might genuinely ask or passionately object, ‘How can a good God instruct his followers to kill innocent people?!’ Join us on September 28-29 as we present different Christian perspectives on these difficult passages so that you can be prepared to defend your faith.

Lunch will be provided. Program schedule, breakout sessions, and conference testimonials available here.
Sponsored by
Paul Copan
Palm Beach Atlantic University,
Author of Is God a Moral Monster? and Did God Really Command Genocide?
John Walton
Wheaton College,
Author of The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest
Clay Jones
Biola University,
Author of Why Does God Allow Evil?
Kenton Sparks
Eastern University,
Author of Sacred Word, Broken Word and God’s Word in Human Words
Hosted by: Kurt Jaros
Executive Director of Defenders Media,
Director of Apologetics315, and host of the Veracity Hill podcast
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