Book Review: Questioning the Bible
The Bible’s authority is constantly under attack in today’s culture. It is important that Christians prepare themselves to address the challenges for their own faith an
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (11/14 – 11/21)
Here are this week’s recommended apologetics links. Enjoy. KINDLE DEALS:• How to Argue like Jesus – 0.99• Christianity’s Dangerous Idea by Alister M
Terminology Tuesday: Syncretism
Syncretism: The attempt to assimilate differing or opposite doctrines and practices, especially between philosophical and religious systems, resulting in a new system altogether in
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (11/07 – 11/14)
Here are this week’s recommended apologetics links. Enjoy. KINDLE DEALS:• Alive: A Cold-Case Approach to the Resurrection – 1.99• A To Z With C. S. Lewis by Lo
Terminology Tuesday: Documentary Hypothesis
Documentary Hypothesis: Also known as the JEDP theory, the documentary hypothesis arose out of the work of nineteenth-century OT scholars K. Graf and J. Wellhausen. They suggested