Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (02/14 – 02/28)
Here are this week’s recommended apologetics links. Enjoy. KINDLE DEALS:• How We Got the Bible – 1.99 on Kindle• Defending Your Faith by R.C. Sproul – 1.
William Lane Craig vs. Sean Carroll: The Existence of God in Light of Contemporary Cosmology
Enjoy this video by Tactical Faith. Christian philosopher William Lane Craig debates theoretical physicist Sean Carroll on the topic of The Existence of God in Light of Contemporar
Terminology Tuesday: Philosophical Theology
Philosophical Theology: Philosophical inquiry into the key beliefs of theologians and concepts of theology. In addition to such topics as arguments for the existence of God, p
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (02/14 – 02/21)
Here are this week’s recommended apologetics links. Enjoy. KINDLE DEALS:• The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard – 3.99• The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dall
Terminology Tuesday: Providence
Providence: The loving care and governance that God exercises over the created universe. The traditional picture of providence is one in which God, as an omniscient, omnipoten