Terminology Tuesday: Scientism
Scientism: The conviction that scientific knowledge, particularly that derived from the natural sciences, is the highest or even only form of knowledge. Scientism thus depreciates
Book Review: The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach by Michael Licona
The resurrection of Jesus is a favorite topic for many Christian apologists and a popular subject of contention among New Testament scholars. With over 3,400 academic books and art
Weekly Apologetics Bonus Links (10/18 – 10/25)
Here are this week’s recommended apologetics links. Enjoy. KINDLE DEALS:• A to Z with C.S. Lewis by Lou Markos – .99• Be A People Person by John Maxwell –
Apologetics Toolkit: Tips for Lifelong Learning #03
This continues the Apologetics Toolkit series on: Tips for Lifelong Learning. The goal here is to provide a sort of “apologetics toolkit” — habits, tips, and tool
Terminology Tuesday: Argument from Prophecy
Argument from Prophecy: A type of apologetic argument that attempts to defend the divinely inspired character of prophets (and ultimately of the Scriptures that record the propheci