Apologetics DVD Curriculums
Looking for good resources to teach or learn good apologetics content “out of the box”? Apologetics DVD sets can be extremely useful for individual and group study cour
Terminology Tuesday: Ontology
Ontology: The study of being. Ontology is often considered to be equivalent to metaphysics, but some thinkers, such as Martin Heideggar, have viewed ontology as a quest to understa
Author Interview: Paul Buller
Today’s interview is with author of Arguing with Friends: Keeping Your Friends and Your Convictions. He also runs the blog whyjesus.ca and arguingwithfriends.com. He tal
Phillip E. Johnson on Darwinian Arguments
“In the final analysis, it is not any specific scientific evidence that convinces me that Darwinism is a pseudoscience that will collapse once it becomes possible for critics
Book Review: Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of Primary Sources
If you’re searching for a reference book that provides a look at apologetics from a wide variety of perspectives by some of the best apologists in the field, past and present, th