Featured Resource: Challenge & Response Videos by STR
Looking for thoughtful responses to tough challenges to your faith? Every week the guys over at the STR Place Blog answer a challenge with a thoughtful response video. It’s a growing weekly resource, and it’s all archived with easy links. These aren’t just pat answers, but they dig into the issues, discuss the key points, and then formulate a reasonable response to each weekly challenge. A great resource:
- 17 points of a true church?
- 100% man or 100% God?
- Abortion is permissible because nobody has the right to use my body
- Atheism is merely a lack of belief in God, not a claim there is no God
- Bad design = no design
- The Bible has been changed
- The Bible is okay with abortion
- Biblical law is immoral
- The blind men and the elephant
- “But I’m a good person”
- Christianity has its own jihad
- Christians are insecure
- Christmas is pagan
- Commitment makes a family
- Consciousness is an illusion
- The crucifixion is immoral
- Dan Savage’s anti-bullying speech
- Does God care about sports?
- Does it make sense to pray for things?
- Doubt those who say they found truth
- Early embyros aren’t individuals
- Either God isn’t good, or He isn’t sovereign
- The embryos are going to die anyway
- Faith is gullibility
- A fetus without a brain is not a person
- A fetus without an active brain is not alive
- Freud says God is an illusion
- God is a psychopath
- God is sexist
- God is silent
- God should make Himself more obvious
- God wrongly punished Adam and Eve
- Here are contradictions!
- How do I prove objective morality?
- “I can’t say my mom is in Hell”
- “I just believe in one fewer god than you do”
- “I would believe in God if…”
- The idea of God is contradictory
- An infinite Hell is unjust
- Intelligent Design is just “God of the gaps”
- Intelligent Design is not science
- Intuition can’t prove objective moral values
- Is marriage really connected to children?
- It’s not rational to believe in God in an age of science
- Jesus never existed
- Jesus wasn’t moral
- Jesus wasn’t omniscient
- Maybe the universe is self-existent
- Men don’t rise from the dead
- Miracles can’t happen
- Moral values are just brain patterns
- The Mormon Church is unified
- Mormons are Christians
- Mormons believe in salvation by grace
- Neither a perfect nor an imperfect God would create
- Our brains create God
- Prayer doesn’t work
- Prove God by the Scientific Method
- Salvation by grace is unfair
- Should we leave the abortion debate to women?
- So you’re against same-sex marriage because it’s sinful?
- Then why is there evil?
- Theology isn’t worthy of study
- There are no reliable non-Christian sources for Jesus
- There are witnesses to the Book of Mormon
- There’s no possibility of a creator
- They’re all the same God
- This is not a person
- The Trinity is unscriptural and unreasonable
- Truth is empirical
- Unlike the Qur’an, the Bible Is Corrupt
- Was Jesus really tempted?
- We can’t know Jesus rose from the dead
- What can we learn about God from apologetics?
- What do Christians gain in this life?
- What if someone doesn’t want to listen?
- What kind of God saves a murderer?
- Which is more likely…miracles or lying?
- Who created God?
- Why blood sacrifice?
- Why don’t Christians follow the Law?
- Why I hate religion, but love Jesus
- Why should we believe there’s only one God?
- Why would God want to ruin our fun?
- Women will die from back-alley abortions
- Works are required
- Would you obey God if…?
- You can’t trust the Gospels
- You don’t know the real Jesus
- You just needed a father figure
- You want the biblical view of marriage?
- You wouldn’t save the embryos
- Your God is a monster
- You’re arrogant!
- You’re Christian because you’re Western
- You’re not really pro-life if you’re for the death penalty
Be sure to visit STR Place Blog for their weekly challenges and response.