Read Along: Christian Apologetics Ch01
Today kicks off Read Along with Apologetics315, a weekly chapter-by-chapter study through Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Christianity by Douglas Groothuis. Each week’s post will provide a brief summary of the chapter, an audio introduction to the chapter by the author, as well as a PDF study guide suitable for printing and using for personal or group study. The audio is also available in a podcast feed for easier weekly listening. Here’s everything you need to get started:
[Audio Intro] – Dr. Groothuis introduces this chapter.
[Chapter 1 Study Questions] – PDF study guide.
[Podcast Feed RSS | Podcast in iTunes] – Click to subscribe to the audio.
Chapter One: Introduction. Hope, Despair and Knowing Reality (pages 15-22)
Is there hope for the universe? The author introduces the questions that we all face about life and reality. How we answer these questions is crucial. In our quest, finding the truth is essential. Without truth, meaning becomes a lie. The importance of one’s worldview is introduced. Groothuis suggests that one’s orientation to Jesus Christ will make the most crucial difference in one’s life.
Groothuis offers a bit of personal background about himself, then introduces and summarizes his approach to this book. He describes the three sections of the book: Apologetic Preliminaries, The Case for Christian Theism, and Objections to Christian Theism.
- Do you agree with the author about what matters most?
- How does Groothuis describe apologetics?
- Do you agree with the author’s approach (that of Francis Schaeffer)?
Chapter Two: The Biblical Basis for Apologetics