Answering the Tough Questions About Life and God: Audio Series by Ken Boa
Ken Boa of Reflections Ministries presents this series of 19 lectures on various “tough questions” about life and God. Original audio found HERE. Download them one by one, or use the RSS feed or click here to subscribe to them in iTunes. Here they are:
1. Postmodernism
2. Three World Views: Humanism, Transcendentalism and Theism
3. Does God Really Exist? I
4. Does God Really Exist? II
5. Why Believe in Miracles? I
6. Why Believe in Miracles? II
7. Isn’t Christianity Just a Psychological Crutch?
8. Is the Bible Really Trustworthy? I
9. Is the Bible Really Trustworthy? II
10. Why Do the Innocent Suffer? I
11. Why Do the Innocent Suffer? II
12. How Can Christ Be the Only Way to God? I
13. How Can Christ Be the Only Way to God? II
14. Will God Judge Those Who Never Heard About Christ? I
15. Will God Judge Those Who Never Heard About Christ? II
16. If Christianity Is True, Why Are There So Many Hypocrites?
17. Isn’t a Good Moral Life Enough to Get into Heaven?
18. Isn’t Just Believing in Christ Too Easy? What does it Mean to Believe?
19. Can People Really Be Sure of Their Salvation?